Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI) - Fredericksburg, Virginia Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI) - Fredericksburg, Virginia About Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI) - Fredericksburg, Virginia Back to the Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI) Homepage Why choose Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI) What we do at Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI) - Fredericksburg, Virginia Careers at Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI) - Fredericksburg, Virginia Contact Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI) - Fredericksburg, Virginia
What We Do at EDI

Making the World Safer
EDI provides the full spectrum of solutions to your Personnel, Equipment, and Training needs.  We will work with you to identify the best approach for your organization and situation to ensure success.  Our “one team” approach promotes a holistic viewpoint in determining the best solution to your needs.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD):  Our staff is recognized as leaders in the field for their experience in all aspects of EOD operations and training.  Our expertise includes:

  • Full spectrum of EOD Individual and Team training
  • Counter-IED threat mitigation and planning
  • Site Remediation and Range clearance
  • Ordnance Management to include ammunition, explosives, and weapons distributorship
  • Transportation of Hazardous Materials Packing, Crating, and Certification
Intelligence:  Our staff has recent experience providing intelligence support to operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Global War on Terrorism.  Our expertise spans all sources of derived Intelligence as well as focused experience in: Counter-IED, Science & Technology, and Weapons Intelligence Teams (WIT). 

Expeditionary Support:  Our staff is composed of personnel who are recognized subject matter experts and have significant backgrounds combined with recent experience in Expeditionary Staff Planning.  This breadth of experience can support your day-to-day staff, deploy on short notice to support your emerging challenges, as well as operate independently to provide “boots on the ground” perspective for operations including:

  • Expeditionary staff support for exercises and operations.
    • Staff planning for Amphibious Operations
    • Maritime Preposition Forces (MPPF)
    • Joint Logistics Over the Shore (JLOTS)
    • Military to Military training for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Mine Countermeasure (MCM), and Naval Beach Groups.
  • Port and Beach Studies
  • Assessment and database compilation for operations planning
Erikson Diversified Industries
Karl Erikson
PO Box 7878
Fredericksburg, VA 22404

© Simply Web Services & Erikson Diversified Industries (EDI)
Page created May. 15, 2010
Today is Jul. 26, 2024
Page last updated Jun. 19, 2013